MESEC WinterSchool 2022

MESEC is a non-profit association aspiring to connect early-career researchers who are passionate about consciousness science, and provide a space for discussion and reflection in which they can explore this fascinating research field under the gentle Mediterranean sun.
There is very little exchange between different models of consciousness (also referred to as theories, paradigms, or approaches). Although the supporters of these models usually do not explicitly deny the relevance of other approaches, they do not get involved in constructive discussions either. We believe that models of consciousness could enrich each other if their supporters took the time to understand what separates them, and what they are useful for.
The consequence of this lack of dialogue is that early career researchers encounter difficulties to grasp the full diversity of philosophical and empirical work in this blooming research field. We speak from our own experiences. We have therefore envisioned this seminar as a grassroots movement—a seminar organized by and made for early career researchers in consciousness science to fill the gaps between theories in a friendly, supportive, and constructive environment.
Find out more here, more info to come!